Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Unit 6: Windows Operating System (Windows 7)

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Purpose of the Module:
The purpose of this training module is to provide information to the learner with the basic skills about Graphic based system to operate computer. 

Specific Outcomes:
Learner will be able to handle basic operation and setting of computer using graphical Icons, Buttons or Mouse Click. 

Demonstrated Knowledge and Understanding:
·         Working of GUI (Graphical User Interface) based Operating System like Windows.
·         History and versions of Windows
·         Different components of Windows Operating System like Desktop, Taskbar, Windows Explorer, Recycle Bin, My Computer, Network, Control Penal and User Account.

Basics of Windows
Because there are many ways to set up Windows and do basic tasks, it's important to know your options and to choose those that best fit your needs. In this chapter, you learn about basic features that help you get your work done, as well as how to explore and customize Windows OS. You also learn about the Internet and how to get connected by using the Internet Connection wizard.

Versions of Windows OS

Windows Version (Newer to Older)
Release Date
29 July 2015
17 October 2013
26 October 2012
22 October 2009
30 January 2007
25 April 2005
25 October 2001
14 September 2000
17 February 2000
25 June 1998
24 August 1995
April 1992
22 May 1990
9 December 1987
20 November 1985
Source: Wikipedia (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Microsoft_Windows_versions)

Components of Windows
1-      Desktop
The desktop is the area that first appears on the screen after you start Windows Operating System. The desktop is your workspace. On the left side of your desktop are icons, small pictures that represent files such as documents, folders, or programs. When you want to open a file, double-click its icon.

You can navigate in Windows by using the taskbar (including the Start button), My Computer, Windows Explorer, or My Network Places. In some cases, one way is more efficient than another. For example, it's faster to start programs from the Start button than from Windows Explorer, but Window Explorer gives you a more complete picture of all of the files on your computer. In other cases, the choice is personal preference. When browsing through folders (containers for documents and programs), for instance, you can use either My Computer or Windows Explorer-it's a matter of how you prefer to display the contents of your computer. The following sections familiarize you with some of your choices.

2-      The Taskbar and the Start Button
You can use the taskbar and the Start button, which usually appear at the bottom of your screen, to navigate in Windows. Both features are always available on your desktop, regardless of how many windows you have open.

Buttons on the taskbar show you which windows and programs are open, even when some are minimized or hidden beneath another window. You can easily switch to a different window or program by clicking its taskbar button. If you're upgrading from Windows NT version 3.5.1, you'll notice that your program groups now appear on the Start menu.

Taskbar is a bar displayed at the bottom of the GUI desktop. It is used to launch and monitor running applications. The taskbar in Microsoft Windows may include the Start menu button, Quick Launch bar, taskbar buttons, and notification area.

Taskbar elements
The Start menu button gives access to installed programs, recent documents and OS settings.
The Quick Launch bar contains shortcuts to applications. Microsoft Windows 7 displays the Quick Launch bar by default, so it might already be part of your taskbar. Look for the Quick Launch bar directly to the right of your Start button. If your Quick Launch bar is disabled, you can display it by right clicking your taskbar, and selecting Toolbars Quick Launch option.

Setting Taskbar Options
In Windows, you can customize the taskbar according to your choice. To do so, right-click on the Taskbar. The popup menu displays some of the commonly used options and the properties option. You can select the option you want by clicking on “Properties” to open the Taskbar and Start Menu properties dialog box. Some of the options are discussed below:
  • Lock the taskbar: If selected, all sizing handles on the taskbar are hidden so you can't accidentally move or resize it.
  • Auto-hide the taskbar: If you select this option, the taskbar will be hidden most of the time so as to not take up any space on the screen. To make it visible, move the mouse pointer to its position prior to hiding.
  • Keep the taskbar on top of other windows: If selected, the taskbar is visible at all times, even when large maximized program windows are covering the rest of the screen.
  • Group similar taskbar buttons: If selected, multiple taskbar buttons collapse into a single button so the buttons don't become too small on the taskbar.

            Show Quick Launch: If selected, Quick Launch toolbar is displayed to the right of the Start button.
The Start button displays a list of commands and shortcuts (pointers to files) that you can, use to accomplish almost any task. You can start programs, open documents, customize your system, get Help, search for items on your computer, and more. Some items on the Start menu have a right-facing arrow, which means that additional choices are available on a secondary menu, called a submenu. When you place your pointer over an item with an arrow, a submenu appears.

3-      Icons
Icon is a graphic symbol that denotes a program or a command or a data file or a concept in a graphical user interface.
There are thousands of icons in windows Operating system. Some important icons are categorized into six groups as follows:

  • File management icons are used for storing and retrieving files and folders within the system. E.g. My Computer, My Document, etc.
  • Database management icons are used for accessing different types of databases.
  • Office Icons are used for accessing office applications. E.g. Word, Excel, etc.
  • Internet access icons are used for upload and download files from the internet. E.g. Internet Explorer, FTP, etc.
  • Multimedia icons are used for accessing audio and video files. E.g. Windows Media Player, Sound Recorder, etc.
  • Utility Icons are used for managing the system. E.g. Backup, Control Panel, etc. 

4-      My Computer
Use My Computer when you want to view the contents of a single folder or disk. A disk is a device, such as a hard disk or floppy disk, on which you can store files. When you double-click My Computer on your desktop, icons representing the available drives appear in a new window. When you double-click a drive icon, a window displays the folders contained on that drive. You can then double-click an icon to open the folder or file.

5-      Windows Explorer (Exploring your Computer )
If you prefer to see files in a hierarchical structure (similar to a family tree), you'll like using Windows Explorer. Instead of opening disks and folders in separate windows, you can browse through them in a single window. The left pane of the Windows Explorer window contains a list of your disks and folders, and the right pane displays the contents of the selected folder. You can use the View menu to change how the icons in the right pane appear.
To use Windows Explorer to view the contents of your local (hard) disk:
  •  Click the Start button, point to Programs, point to Accessories, and then click Windows   Explorer
  •  In the left pane, click the plus sign next to My Computer; then the plus sign next to your local   disk.

The contents of your hard disk appear in the right pane.

6-      My Network Places
A network is a group of computers connected to one another so that they can share resources such as files and printers. If your computer is connected to a network, you can use My Network Places to browse network resources the same way you browse the contents of your own computer. When you double-click My Network Places on your desktop, icons representing network resources appear in a window. Some of the following icons may appear in My Network Places.
To open network resources
  • On the desktop, double-click My Network Places.
  • If you want to browse shared resources in your workgroup, double-click Computers near Me. The computers and resources in your workgroup appear.
  • If you want to view all of the resources available on the network, double-click then click Entire Network. Depending on how your network is set up, you may see computers arranged by domain or by workgroup. 
  • Double-click the item you want to open, just as you would open drives and folders on your own computer.

7-    Control Penal: From where we can control each and every service of computer.

Self-Assessment Questions
  1. Explain Features of different versions of popular Windows.
  2. Explain different components and application of Windows Operating System.
  3. Differentiate between Internet Explorer and Windows Explorer.
  4. Explain Control Penal and its services in detail.


  1. Harshit Upadhyay
    Batch - B

  2. Your comments will be count at the scheduled time of the class only. So please be present at the time of class and comment at real time only.


  3. Your comments will be count at the scheduled time of the class only. So please be present at the time of class and comment at real time only.


  4. Harshit Upadhyay
    Batch - B

  5. Deep Bahadur Thapa 05911002219

  6. Divyam Devtulya

  7. Aditya mittal
    Enrollment no. 10011002219
    D batch

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Lakshay ; enroll no.: 00411002219

  10. Sarthak Tandon
    Enrollment no.-08211002219

  11. Parminder singh
    D batch

  12. Shani Prasad Gond
    Entrollment 01211002219

  13. Shubham Jotshi
    Batch - C
